
I think it's kind of bad that I remember absolutely nothing from the second book. I don't even remember how it ended. So I'm going into this book highly confused. Also if I remember correctly, this is the last book in the series. Well, it was fun while it lasted. Anyways, I'm only three pages in so the first impression is going to be a little short. The cover looks pretty cool and I'm curious on how the title is going to play out in the book. I know that this book has to wrap up the entire series and humans have to win against the aliens to reclaim the earth. Another thing that I'm curious on playing out in the book. Right now I'm in a cave with a crying priest. Confused much?
I'm about a third of the way through the book. Finally. Anyways, things are just leading up to the day the mother ship rains bombs on earth. So the tension is high with everyone. Also someone is almost dead after being shot while an old lady gets shot in the face. You have to read the book to see what I mean by that. But things are pretty much going to be dragged out it seems since the huge battle doesn't happen until spring arrives. So I'm reading every thought and every detail that has been written down to keep the story going. Honestly I kind of see it as rambling, but I guess some people like that. I'm just not that type of person who likes the details and have the scenes specifically painted out for me. Don't get me wrong, the book is pretty good so far, but it feels like it's just dragging on. I'm to the point that I want to say "can we just get to the fighting already?!" and sure we had an old lady get shot in the face, but that doesn't really keep me going for the book. I need more then someone getting shot in the face. Hopefully the book picks up in the next third of the book.
I'm not sure where I left off, but I do have to say that it was pretty boring. Not a whole lot has happened until Ringer is reunited with the group. Then things get interesting. Evan also goes missing again and I'm pretty sure we had a sex scene somewhere without even knowing it. I think there was one in the last book and it just flew right past me without knowing.
I'm finally almost finished reading The Last Star and what an adventure it has been. Like so much has been going on that I can't even wrap my head around it. I'm pretty sure during the part through Evan's eyes, you are told that the whole alien invasion thing was a lie. Which I find complete crap because they don't really explain all that is going on. You get introduced to an owl that supposedly was the cause for everything. Still doesn't explain the big ship in the sky. I'm pretty sure one owl can't do that. Unless its all just an illusion. Man, I would be mad if that was true. How would you guys react if the book ended as all just being a complete lie and an illusion made up in everyone's head? No one is dead and the world wasn't come to an end. It would make a crap ending. But I guess I will just have to finish the book to find out. Good reading material when I have to sit in hospital all day trying to figure out what happened to my wrist. I'm not even supposed to be typing right now. It shows my love for you guys and my appreciation for your support.
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