The Vincent Brothers


So the book I'm reading now is actually a sequel to a book called The Vincent Boys. Basically the whole series revolves around a group of three friends that have been together since they were three. Anyways, they are all in high school, or at least were in the first book. Anyways, two of the friends were cousins, for all they knew. They both were loved their other friend, and the only girl in their little group. So one cousin, Sawyer, ended up asking out the girl, Ashton. He didn't even consider talking it over with his cousin, Beau. Things were great for three years until Sawyer left for camp or something over the summer. While he was gone, Ashton got cozy with his cousin, Beau. I mean they got really cozy to the point that she ends up sleeping with him and cheating on Sawyer. The book basically ended with Sawyer realizing that he could never separate the two forever since they were always two peas in a pod. So Sawyer let Ashton go, and it leads to the book I'm reading now. Sawyer is heartbroken and can't stand to see his cousin/brother all over his ex-girlfriend. I forgot to mention that something huge happened in the last book and now Sawyer sees Beau as his brother for this book instead of being his cousin. Anyways, I just started the book and it just is Sawyer picking a fight with Beau in front of everyone because he's hurt and mad. I agree with his friends, the guy needs to move on. Anyways Sawyer pretty much stormed off and went to a restaurant outside of town, because he didn't want to be reminded of Ashton. While he is out, he just so happened to run into Ashton's cousin, Lana. She apparently even made a huge wardrobe change the moment she found out that Sawyer was now single. Now she is doing everything in her power to win the guys heart. Things are about to get interesting. So until next time.....


 So I'd be so much farther in this book if I didn't have so much crap to do. Such as my sister being mean and nominating me for the ice bucket challenge. I'm still waiting to see if my brothers do it. Anyways, also I'm planning a Halloween Bash for Mental Health Awareness. Mental Health is such an issue that is still completely taboo to talk about. I'm hoping that one day people will talk about it just as much as they talk about cancer. Anyways, I take all charities for Mental Health Awareness because its a cause I take to heart for personal reasons. So I figured I throw a benefit for charity. So I'm planning that. Also I'm trying to come up with something that will go viral like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, but this would be to bring awareness for Mental Health. I'm not sure what to do yet, but hopefully the brain storming will pay off. So now lets talk about what I've read so far in the book. I couldn't help to notice the fact that Abbi Glines mentioned a certain band in her book. There were some other, but this one that really stuck out because I know these cool guys in a way. Abbi Glines was nice enough to mention the band All Time Low. I honestly haven't been listening to their music lately and it was as if she was telling me to listen to them again. I couldn't help but laugh. I love the guys of All Time Low, one member more then the others, and it was nice to see them mentioned in a book. Anyways, Sawyer admitted his feelings to Lana. Of course it wasn't until after he made a complete ass of himself in front of everyone. Broke Lana's heart and pissed off his best friends. Anyways, Sawyer is starting to realize that Lana makes him feel different. He didn't even feel what he does for Lana when he was dating Ashton. Maybe he only thought he was in love with her, and now he is getting a taste of true love. I pretty much stopped with Lana getting interesting news from her father and they are all at a field party. This is where Sawyer is starting to realize that his break up with Ashton is easier with Lana around. He thinks that its just a good distraction, but I think he is falling hard. I can't wait to finish this book and see where this relationship goes. So until next time.....

 So I finished The Vincent Brothers. It wasn't easy, but I did. Anyways, Sawyer just couldn't stop messing up with Lana. You can say that he is a man of habit. So after his knight in shining armor act with Ashton when she thought Beau cheated, Lana said enough was enough. I give the girl props for doing that, but she could of also stuck around to see that it was all just a misunderstanding. She didn't really think through her actions. And Ethan, Sawyer's friend, should of came clean sooner then later. Poor Sawyer was so heartbroken he didn't want to do anything. Even damaged a few things. How could you Ethan. Anyways, Ethan finally admits to where Lana is. Making Sawyer pretty much jump in his truck and chase after her. Don't know why loosing her had to make the guy realize that he was madly in love with the girl. And, he didn't even know then. Beau had to say something to make it click in his thick skull. But the book had a sweet ending, and I believe there is a third one in the making. Kind of makes me curious what it could be about. Anyways, I loved the book and would love to read it again, maybe even own the whole series. But, I'm off to hopefully finish Crave. We all know that I've been really dragging my feet on it. I'm about halfway and I have a feeling I'll be putting it aside again when the next shipment of books come in the library. So until next time.....

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