
I started the anime series for Tokyo Ghoul and I don't hate it, but I
don't like that it doesn't follow the mangas. I couldn't watch it
without complaining to my mom about how out of order it is. Sadly I
won't be able to see the live action movie while it's airing this week
in theaters. I was really looking forward to that. Sadly, I don't
remember any of what I read in the last volume because the anime has me
all mixed up. Which just makes me sad more. So diving into this volume
had a little bit of hope that it would remind me of what our main
character went through. Which it did. Thank the Lord for small
blessings. Anyways, there is a big battle going on because a ghoul is so
obsessed to eat our main character that he even kidnaps a young woman
as bait. You even get a little back story on one of the characters. But
luckily the battle ends with the bad ghoul in defeat. Almost didn't
happen but it did. Pretty much had me at the edge of my seat for that
whole scene. So far I've been really into the series. I have to say that
the mangas are way better than the anime. I wish I could tell you guys
more, but that would just ruin the volume and the series. But, I do
suggest you guys go check it out if you haven't.
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