
Another manga that I haven't read in a while and can't remember what happened. I really need to stop doing that. Anyways, I'm slowly falling in love with Tokyo Ghoul. But, I do know that I'm in love with the live action film that came out for it. Yes, I'm going to keep bringing it up because, Bookies, you need to see it. Anyways, I looked up to see how many volumes were left for this series and I was kind of sad to see that I'm almost done. I only have four more after this one. I don't want to see it go. Is it too much to hope that the writer will make more? More, please? Anyways, things are just now getting interesting. Our ghoul investigators are currently looking into a case and I'm trying to figure out who this errand boy is. Is it Hide? But he knows about a lot that is going on and it just makes me want to know more about who he is. But with farther reading, I found out. Or, at least I think I did. Anyways, our leading character Kaneki is on the hunt for the doctor that made him into a ghoul and it's not going too well. Or, at least that is what is appearing while the investigators decide to investigate his life in order to find the ghoul they have been hunting for a while. Things are getting pretty intense here. I wonder how this is all going to turn out in the end. Battles break out and things get crazy. I'm loving every bit of it and then the volume ends with a cliffhanger. Which is kind of depressing. I want more but I guess I have to finish my other books before I get the next volume.
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