
Hey guys I'm on a new book. I'm almost a hundred percent done with Sign
and I don't want to share anything on that book until I'm completely
done. But I have to be honest it gets crazier the more you read on.
Nothing still makes no sense in that book. Anyways, I had to pick up a
book from the library and here it is, Wait for You by J. Lynn or
Jennifer L. Armentrout. Who ever you want to go by. Anyways, if I
remember correctly the fourth book just came out that is part of this
series. Leave it to me to start a series when it is well into its fourth
book. I really need to keep an eye out for these series. Anyways, I
just started the book. I'm only three chapters in and its pretty good so
far. Our main character Avery is going to school and she holds a little
secret. I like secrets. Anyways, she running a little late to class and
ends up running into a hot guy. Cam. Apparently everyone knows this
guy, or has heard of him. But then he almost runs her over with his
truck. Things are brewing and I can't wait to find out the end result.
So until next time.....
I'm honestly almost done with this book. Meaning that its really
good. But what do I expect from the person who wrote one of my favorite
series. We all remember our favorite Luxen in the Lux series. I know I
haven't finished that yet, but I'm getting there. Lets focus on this
book. So the relationship reminds me so much of Beautiful Disaster,
which I love. Anything that reminds me of my favorite book goes straight
to the 'must own' list. Anyways, Avery's secret does come out and you
pretty much figure it out as you read the book. She pretty much panics
when Cam finds out and nearly screws herself over by almost ruining the
best thing to have ever happened to her. If the book ended like that I
would of strangled someone and sent a very angry email. But luckly it
doesn't end that way. Thank god. But I'm ready to read the next book
already that I'm just itching to get my hands on it. Sadly with the long
list of books I have at the library, its going to be a while. Sad face.
Anyways, I highly recommend this book. But I'm going to head out. My
late shift high is wearing off and I'm getting beyond tired. Gotta love
working until the wee hours in the morning and the constant drinking of
Mountain Dew. So until next time.......
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