Friday, October 14, 2022

Reading The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo


Hey there Bookies,

I know it's been a while. I had some personal stuff that I needed to take care of. It's still not resolved but I have done all that I can do at this point. So whatever the outcome is, it is what it is. Also due to this issue taking place, I didn't have much time to read. Also it doesn't help when I read two books I really didn't like. It pretty much put me out of a reading mood. But with the arrival of a book in the mail, I got that little spark to try reading again.

The book I picked up was The Poet X and this is supposed to be a quick read to get you out of your reading slump. Just what I need right now. I'm about halfway through the book and it is interesting. The whole book is written like a series of poems, which makes it an easy read so far. My only complaint is that there is Spanish in the book without translations. Being a non-Spanish speaker, I don't understand some stuff. I kind of get the idea but it would be nice to have translations somewhere for some words. Or, even an explanation of what some things are. Its just a small suggestion for those that don't quite understand but it isn't really necessary. It's just something I would personally like. But the story is interesting to show how our main character's mother is really religious and our main character is starting to wonder that maybe there is more than what the bible tell you. So far the story is just two generations clashing in ideals. Especially when our main character wants to become a poet but her mother doesn't want her to because it's devil's work. Or, something like that. It must be heard to express yourself in a strict household. But I am wondering if the main character is going to express her feelings to her mother or not. Especially about writing. I guess I just have to continue reading.

So until next time....


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