Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Almost done reading Max and the Gatekeeper

Hey there Bookies,

I'm happy to say that I'm finally almost done reading a book. It feels like forever since I finished a book. I should know because I'm like fourteen books behind schedule. I'm so disappointed in myself. Anyways, the book got pretty good towards the end. We have out main character behind enemy lines only to get discovered. Our missing character makes an unusual friend in the world she was in. But sadly gets found out by the enemy as well. Such a shame. Anyways, I would tell you more, but that would take all the fun out. I want you guys to read the book in order to find out how they get out of the situations the two characters are in. I also sense a betrayal somewhere. I haven't quite finished it, so the ending is just as big of a mystery to me.

So until next time.......

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