Monday, September 2, 2024

Started reading A Fire Endless by Rebecca Ross

 Hello Bookies,

I've been meaning to post sooner but life has been busy. I'm already on chapter  eight. The book takes place six months after the first book ends. Adaira is in the west and Jack doesn't have the motivation to play music. But so far the conflict in this book is not only that out lovers are separated by the clan line, but also the East side of the island is experiencing a hardship. An orchard is sick with magic that can spread to humans. Also Jack's home can't have a flame lit in it anywhere. That is as much as I know now and so far I'm quite interested. The prologue even gives a little peak into the spirit realm where a spirit is casted out because they didn't want to listen to the spirit of the North Wind. But I'm going to have to read more in order to see what the story holds. I'm just starting so not a whole lot has happened. I'll try to update more, but with school starting, schedules have to adjust. 

So until next time....


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