Saturday, February 8, 2020

Finished reading Finding Cinderella

What is up my Bookies?

I finished this book a lot faster than I thought I would. I know it was an easy read and only 130 pages. But I was reading this at work and I expected it to take so much longer. But it didn't. Only because it's a slow weekend and we don't have that many customers coming. Either way I loved the book and I am so happy that I have a job that gives me the time I need to actually read. So the book went slightly how I predicted it. Only Daniel wasn't really looking for Cinderella in this book. It was more like fate threw them together. Then you spend like the whole time reading, knowing that Six is Cinderella and you are just wondering when both of them figure it out. Then when they finally do, you are confused by what the hell happened between them for at least a chapter. And, then Colleen Hoover drops a bombshell at the end of the chapter and you have no idea how to act. Then Daniel and Six go through this mess that they don't even need to go through because they can just talk it out. But it is understandable because of the emotions they go through during this time and I'm glad they eventually work through it. The book then ends with me hoping that they eventually find what Six gave away and wouldn't mind a book that is a continuation to this one. Maybe even an continuation with Holder's and Sky's story as well. Doesn't have to happen but it is a good idea.

So until next time...

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