Saturday, December 17, 2022

Finished reading Daisy Jones and the Six


Hello Bookies,

I have to be honest here. I thought the book was okay but not worth the hype it was given. Also I felt like it was mostly focused on Daisy and Billy the moment Daisy joined the group. There was a little bit of forbidden romance but it doesn't really play out. But it does show the struggle of someone trying to stay faithful to their significant other while trying to not fall of the rails. I give Billy props for not giving into his cravings to just go back to the drugs and the drinking. I've seen people close to me go through the same struggle and it isn't easy. It must be just as hard living a life of rock and roll. Also if you have a bandmate that was heavy into that scene and you are spending a lot of time with that person, Billy showed a lot of will power and I'm proud of him for it. You also don't find out how the book came to be until pretty much the end. It would have been nice to see how they came up with this idea instead of the person finally revealing themselves at the end. Even then they still didn't explain why they created this story in the first place. The book is interesting as a whole but not one of my favorites. I would recommend it as a good quick read. But I wouldn't push the recommendation. I was constantly told how good this book was and I had high expectations. Sadly the book didn't meet them. To me it fell flat and was a little disappointing. I'm probably one of the few that liked this book but enough to give it more than two stars. At least I can finally say I finished a book after being in a slump so long. 

So until next time....


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