Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Almost done reading Intensity


Hey there Bookies,

I've apparently have read this book before but have no memory of it what so ever. Which confuses me. Like nothing in the book is ringing any bells so far to me. I guess we can used the excuse that I read this book almost five years ago, but it would still be somewhat familiar to me. Also I can see why I wouldn't remember this book. Not a whole lot happens. There are so many visions in this book that it gets confusing a bit. This book is a little anti-climatic for the end of a series. Nick may be trying to fix things that his distant future son has messed up when it comes to the timeline, but I feel like it is more of him trying to figure out who he really is. To accept that he doesn't have to be like all of the others before him. I'll probably forget about this book once again in another few years. The book gets about a three out of five stars from me. I just wasn't that into it. I can't remember what I gave it before, but I had a different reading taste back then.

So until next time....


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