Thursday, June 13, 2024

Reading Small Spaces


Hello Bookies,

I have to be honest that I feel like this book is a little scary for little kids. Unless the kid who is reading this book had my childhood full of spooky stuff and horror movies. Anyways, I was really getting into the book when it suddenly stopped. Turns out my loan for the book expired. Leaving me wondering if the three sixth graders will make it out of the Smiling Man's world. I instantly rerequested the book. I need to know what happens next. But to get you up to speed on the book. The book is about a girl who is in sixth grade and is a big bookworm. Her mother tragically died the year prier, so it is just her and her dad. Our main character's name is Ollie and on the way home from school one day she meets a crazy woman who is about to throw a book into the river. Ollie being a bookworm couldn't understand why the woman would be doing such a thing and took the book from the crazy woman. Ollie then ends up reading the book, thinking that it is just some made up story. Then her class goes on a field trip to an old farm and weird things start to happen. Ollie thinks about the book she has been reading and notices the similarities. Eventually on the way back to the school the bus breaks down and Ollie's instincts tell her to leave the bus and hide. Two of her classmates end up following her and were spared from being taken away by mysterious beings. Now they are trying to figure out what is going on and how to return back to their world before they get taken as well. That is pretty much where I left off before my book stopped. Hopefully it won't be long until I get the book back.

So until next time...


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