Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Let's Get Personal #15

 Hello Bookies,

It's been a while since I got personal with y'all. Right now I'm working on a challenge I made for myself. I am trying to visit all the fifty states of the United State of America through books. I will have until the end of August to meet my goal. I'm not optimistic but I'm still having fun. Also I'm working on my fall reading challenge that includes a theme of books that I want to read. This year I'm embracing spooky season and reading Horror books for the months September through November. I'm making my list and super excited to see what books I'll discover. I'm doing okay with my summer challenge. I've read three books so far, so that is three states off of my list. I only have forty-seven more to go. It's a lot of work and I have mangas if I need a small break from the challenge. It is always good to pace yourself.

So until next time...


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