Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Reading Styxx

So I'm making an exception to my rule of only posting about a book three times. That is only because this book is long. Its like the size of a dictionary. Like I've mentioned before, I've read this book way back when. Like so far back that I can't even remember the posts I did on it. Anyways, I had to reread the book from the beginning. Some I remembered and other I didn't at all. But basically this is like Acheron, but through Styxx's point of view. Which makes it interesting because you get to see what his life was actually like instead of how the sister viewed him. Really she just misunderstood him and its kind of heartbreaking. Actually everything Styxx goes through is kind of heartbreaking and there is no end to it. So far I'm only a quarter of the way through the book. Like I just got a quarter of the way and that is just entering the 200s in this book. There is like 900 pages all together. Looks like I have a lot of reading ahead of me. So until next time.....

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