Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Let's Get Personal #5

I totally forgot about Let's Get Personal Sunday. Why did no one remind me? I feel terrible. I know I missed last week, but that was because I had a valid excuse. My supposedly healthy dog died of cancer and we had no idea until one of his tumors ruptured and he was pretty much bleeding to death eternally. My poor baby boy. Still hurts to think about him. At least I still have my big boy RJ to comfort me when I suddenly break down crying.

Anyways, I wonder what I should talk about for this post. I know in my last post I complained about a certain BAP member. He's so cute. Anyways, let me think for a bit. Okay nothing is coming to mind. Dang it. I'm still having issues with writing and coming up with any ideas for anything.

Maybe I need to live a more exciting life. Which is kind of impossible because I'm poor. But I know there would be so much more to talk about if I was able to do stuff. This is where the living comfortablly comes into play as a dream. I just want a life style where money wasn't a problem. I'm pretty sure when I open the businesses we will be okay. Just have to get the funding for them.

But since I have nothing really important, I'm calling this Let's Get Personal post a bust. Maybe something exciting will happen by next Sunday. Fingers crossed. But if there is a subject you want to talk about, don't be afraid to let me know. I'll be more then happy to fulfil your request.

So until next time......

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