Friday, November 3, 2023

Reading King's Cage


Hello there Bookies,

I have no idea how far I am in the book. But all I can say that Mare is free from her cage, but the war has not been won. Mavin is determined to get her back. Also as much as some action takes place, this book is still a filler. I'm sure the last book is going to keep me on the edge of my seat. Cal is still determined to save his brother from what his mother has done. Mare hates him for keeping her as a prisoner. I don't know what else to say that won't ruin the series. The surprises that it holds. It gets harder the farther I go into the series. As far as I know there are only four books. Which means I am almost done with the series. I can't say that I'm sad about but I also can't say that I'm happy about it either. I feel just kind of meh. But I can say that the farther I go in this series, the more I don't like Mare. I feel like her character isn't really growing. Not after all of the stuff she has been through. She still feels like the same whiney teen girl in the first book, she is just complaining about a different thing in each book so far. Cal is kind of growing and Mavin just can't grow because he is broken by his mother. In all honesty, no one is really growing in this series. Everyone is still the same since the first book. At least in my opinion. I'm just curious on how this series is going to end. But first we have to finish this book that is a little bit on the boring side.

So until next time....


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