Wednesday, June 14, 2023

About halfway through When You Trap a Tiger


Hello there Bookies,

I don't know where I left off explaining this book to you. As much as I like folklore from different countries and the books that are based off them, I feel like my lack of knowledge isn't helping me enjoy this book. Maybe I should brush up on it. Anyways, our main character Lily is trying to find a way to heal her grandmother from a sickness. She believes that if she trades the tiger the stories her grandmother stole, she will get better. I'm pretty sure it isn't going to work, but it is sweet that this child believes that some magic will work to healing her grandmother. It could actually work too, that is how children's books are anyways. Anyways, my focus has been pretty slim lately so I ended up finding someone reading this book on Youtube. I've been listening to them read the book while I try to work on other things. Audiobooks are the saving grace for my busy lifestyle. I do enjoy the story, but I feel like I would enjoy it more if I understood the folklore more. Maybe one of you can point me in the direction on where I can read the folklore that this book is based on so I can get myself familiar with it.

So until next time....


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