Thursday, March 9, 2023

Finished reading The Book Thief


Hello Bookies,

Well I finished the book. I'm kind of glad I had the audiobook for this one. It was long and full of history. I feel like I learned so much about a small part of Germany during World War 2. How most people were just trying to live normal lives while also trying to survive. We get to experience the time where The Book Thief's family repays a debt that was owed after World War 1. We get to experience the whole town looking for shelters in case of an air raid taking place. We also experience the fact that the Book Thief experiences something she never thought to imagine. I almost teared up at that part but I didn't . I couldn't help but feel bad for her at that part. But I'm sure there was a reason, like she was able to tell her story about that time on Himmel Street. If you like historical fiction books, this is a good book for you. But if you are like me and like history but not enough to read a fiction about it, then this might not be the book for you. The book is good and interesting, it just isn't for me. I like action and fantasy I guess. But this is all to discover my new reading style after taking a long hiatus. On to the next book. 

So until next time....


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