Monday, March 21, 2016

Started reading Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead

Hey Bookies,

Its been a while since I saw this series. Anyways, we all know this one right. The forbidden love story between an alchemist and a vampire. Both have been raised with different views about the other's people. But that doesn't stop them from falling in love. In the last book they tried to keep there secret hidden from the world. Sadly Sydney's sister wanted to be the star in Daddy's eyes and turned her sister in. Making the book end with us at the edge of our seats and wondering how Sydney is going to get herself out of this situation. Well now we get to find out in this book. Also to see how Adrian handles the separation from his love. Sadly the book isn't as think as the others, but that just means that I get the answers I've been asking since I finished the last book. I'm off to read.

So until next time.......

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