Thursday, February 8, 2024

Let's Get Personal #13

 Hey there Bookies,

I am sorry I haven't made any posts lately. I've been trying to read but I've been in a bit of a slump. I blame the fact that I have a new nephew to spoil. He's been taking up a lot of my time but I am going to buckle down on reading now. I've rented a whole bunch of audiobooks because at work we have a reading contest going on. We are given a bingo sheet and we have to read books based on the prompts. So all of the other books I have started are on hold until I finish this contest. I'll still review the books I read for the contest because these are books I've never read before. Well, unless they are graphic novels. Right now I'm listening to a book by a local author. It's so weird to have a book that takes place where I went to college. When they mention certain things, I know exactly where it is. Maybe the familiarity will help me go through the book quick. 

So until next time....


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