Friday, March 20, 2015

Reading Addicted to You

Okay, so I'm about a third of the way through this book and so far its pretty good. The story goes that we have two rich kids pretending to be in a relationship. They each have a secret that the other helps to hide. One is an alcoholic while the other is a sex addict. But their addictions didn't start until after they slept with each other for the first and only time. I believe there is a little more behind their addictions and the reasons for them. Also as I read more of the book, I begin to think that these two actually love each other, but just won't admit it. Kind of makes me want to jump into the book and yell at them to just give it a go and see where it ends up. Sadly the characters only think that they aren't good enough for the other, or that actually being together will ruin everything. I will most likely finish this book by tomorrow at this rate. So until next time.....

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