Monday, January 19, 2015

Finished reading Point of Retreat

I'm sneaking this post in between shifts. My mom and I got night shift so I have nothing to do during the day. We have no news on what is going on with the family. It has just been a roller coaster. Anyways to keep my mind off of things lets talk about the book. I may have almost cried a few times. Also I believe this is way better then the first book Slammed. Sorry to say that but I think its true. Anyways, I loved the book and I don't know what to say other then that. It was a really good book and I don't want to ruin any of it. So I guess you'll have to read it. Sorry I'm not much help on what goes on in the book but I'll hint that an ex causes problems, best friends show true colors, and other friends have to face life changing decisions. Thats it for now. So until next time....

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