Monday, July 4, 2022

Dragonbane by Sherrilyn Kenyon


Hello Bookies,

Did I forget to update you on this lovely book? Yes. Yes, I did. In my defense it was an audiobook and I was listening to it while doing stuff for my business. Did I pay attention while listening to the book? Not really. But honestly, not a whole lot happens since the last time I updated you on the book...three years ago. The pandemic was rough with my love for books. But now that the library is open I can officially finish this book. Of course, that isn't why we are here. I need to update you. I don't remember any of the names of the characters so I'll just be calling them lead male character or lead female character. Stuff like that. So our two leads are finally together but our lead female character is slowly turning back to stone. In a desperate attempt to save her, our lead male character asks for help from....I can't remember his name. This is why I wish I had the book actually in my hands. I can look up names. Anyways, the person our lead male goes to helps the lead female and she is no longer turning to stone. With that they dive into the pit of demons wanting to kill our lead male for something he has control of. I guess they are trying to overtake the world, the same usual stuff that demons do in this series. Our lead gets some sort of tablet but not all is good. He comes back and he has to go on trial to see whether his friends are going to kill him or not. Then we get a little bit of history on our lead and see how he became what he was. The dragonbane. That is also pretty much where I left off. I'm almost done with the book and I'm sorry I couldn't tell you names. I feel a little bad about it, but I'll try to do better next time. Anyways, if you want to know how the book ends, you'll just have to read it yourself like always.

So until next time....


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