Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Finished reading A Beautiful Dark


Hello Bookies,

Well I finished another book. It was an interesting concept but one I've kind of have seen before. It went exactly how I predicted with a bit of a twist in the end. Also how it ends leaves you on a cliffhanger and that isn't fair. Looks like I will be getting the second book just to see what happens with our main character. The author planned it this way. How rude. Anyway, our main character is a special girl but I feel like if I explain the story in more detail, it is just going to be one big spoiler. So if you want to learn anything, you are going to have to read the book yourself. I will have to say that this book is about two stars for me. Like I said it was really predictable the moment I started reading it. It does give similar vibes as the series called Fallen. So if you liked that series, you will like this one. They don't really have the same storyline but they have kind of have a similar concept. You got good versus evil and a girl stuck right in the middle of it. There is a twist at the end that I didn't see and it's like right at the end. You basically learn the twist and then get left with a cliffhanger. But the story still got two stars for me. It didn't really grip me until the very end. For the longest time I thought that they had the great reveal and the story should have ended there. The book was really dry and boring until you get to the last few pages. My thoughts the whole time is that what more can you do after the great reveal and then the ending gave me my answer. I do recommend this book to those that like the Fallen series or the Hush Hush series. I do believe that this book is a YA with a bit of supernatural in it. Feel free to check it out.

So until next time....


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