Friday, July 25, 2014

Finished reading Born of Fury

I admit that I almost cried toward the end. Damn you Sherrilyn Kenyon for almost killing someone in the end. Why would you do that to me? I love those guys and you had to almost kill one. Thats not right. Anyways, I loved the book. I kind of don't want to return it back to the library. I've also have been apparently cuddling with it in my sleep. So, the book is really good. There is a lot of battles going on that keeps you on the edge of your seat and refuse to put the book down. Dancer Hauk also has a few close calls and I think spends more time in a hospital bed or getting chewed out by Sumi then actually fights in the book. Also you find out the secrets behind Darice and his mother. Some of my theories also didn't ring true with some of the secrets. Dang it. Anyways, I highly recommend you to read this book. Hell, I recommend the whole damn series. I wasn't disappointed with Sherrilyn Kenyon while reading this book. I love her books a lot and I'd be happy to read Born of Betrayal when it comes out. Maybe even before it does. Hint hint. Anyways, I'm off to go read the book I said I was going to read before I got Born of Fury. I told my mom that I'd have the book done in two days and I didn't lie to her. It only takes me 48 hours to read Sherrilyn Kenyon books because she makes them so good that I don't want to put them down. I'll hopefully finally pick up Illusion from her Chronicles of Nick series. It's on my book shelf, just haven't had a chance to pick it up yet. I know I have to read it before Instinct comes out. Anyways, no more of me gushing over Sherrilyn's books. I'm off to go start reading Glimmerglass by Jenna Black. So until next time....

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